

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Why Do The Unsaved Need To Know About Jesus?

Why Do The Unsaved Need To Know About Jesus?
by Henry Miranda  
1/06/2016 / Salvation
 If we were in the ocean and saw someone swimming, and all of a sudden we see a shark fin sticking out of the water, what would we do? In most cases we'd scream, SHARK! We would warn the person of the imminent danger of being in the water with a shark nearby. Their life would be in danger and could possibly die of a shark attack. In the same manner, the Bible teaches us that everyone who has not repented and trusted in Jesus will die and be condemned to eternal condemnation.

Why do unbelievers need to hear the Gospel? It is the only way to be forgiven from sin and to have true hope of eternal life. Mankind's problem is sin. It leads to death, and eternal condemnation. Death is not the complete end of a person's life, but the end of this life and the beginning of eternal time. Whether in heaven or hell, it will be eternal.

God has provided a solution in His Son Jesus Christ to save us from sin. His death and resurrection provide forgiveness of sin, eternal life, and hope to a person that did not have it before. The only way to obtain this is through the Gospel. As Paul says in Romans 10:17 (NKJ)" so then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God". The Gospel is the good news everyone needs to hear to know the true God and receive salvation. As the return of the Lord for His Church draws nearer, it is more urgent that non-believers hear the Gospel.

People are too busy to stop and listen to something they are not interested in or have no idea what you are talking about. So it all depends where you are in your Christian walk because you will have to be in a place where you can be the example of what you are saying to the people that don't know anything about Jesus. Many people no longer even believe in the existence of God. They have been taught from elementary school onward and via the modern media outlets that the universe is eternal and self-sustaining. Again, we are taught that man evolved from an animalistic ancestry. They say the Bible is not the Word of God, but are merely a collection of ancient fables. And Jesus Christ, though he may have been a remarkable teacher and a benevolent influence of antiquity, nonetheless, is not the unique Son of God and the Savior of the world.
Without an accurate knowledge of who Christ is, people are not going to be drawn to him. Too many people in today's culture don't really believe that God is going to hold them accountable for their livesthat God really does not require righteousness. When we take that view, we don't feel the weight of the threat of judgment. The most basic question for most people is this? Who is Jesus and why do I need Him? Well, for that answer we have to turn to the only authoritative source in the world, the Holy Bible. The Scriptures tell us a lot about Jesus, who He is to us, and His plans for us for eternity.

Many will find out too late that the road they are traveling on leads to hell, and not heaven. If you were to die today, are you absolutely positive that you will go to heaven? Do you have eternal life? Contrary to popular belief, not all roads lead to heaven. All human beings born into this world have the same sinful nature, and we all inherited that sinful nature from Adam and Eve. In Romans 5:19, this verse tells us that Adam's sin was passed on, to us. "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive". In I Corinthians 15:22, this verse tells us that our spiritual death, our fallen state of sinfulness, is the results of Adam's sin. We became sinners through Adam. Sin makes a person a slave, and condemned to die. And the natural effects of sin cause moral depravity, perverse living, depression and distress.

The Lord God then rebukes the sinner, as a loving Father His child. All of us have broken God's laws. It may be that you stole something as a child or it may be that you've told a lie. What have you done that is against God's laws? God is perfect and just. As such He has to punish all bad behavior. The Bible says that God will punish those who have broken His law by sending them to Hell, the everlasting lake of fire. Read Revelation 21:8; &1 Corinthians 6:9-10. Be honest with yourself. If God were to judge you today based on the 10 Commandments, would you be innocent or guilty? Where would you be sent, Heaven or Hell?

When you become a Christian you will be saved from the penalty of sin. When you put your faith in Jesus and decide to follow him, God comes and lives inside you through his Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes and regenerates your spirit. (This is called being "born again). You receive the Holy Spirit and become "born again" simply through faith by entrusting your life to Jesus. This progression is like starting your life over. But this time you will have support, love, guidance, and purpose in life with the strength of Jesus to assist you in your Christian growth.

We are restored to a relationship with God, God become our Father, and we become children of God, fit to inherit the Kingdom of God. We still have our old memories and habits and things we have been taught; so we need to repent and learn to do things God's way. We are accepted by God on the basis of faith, because we have been born of God and taken out of a position of estrangement and brought into a relationship with God. Now it remains for those who are born of God to learn to choose the good and reject the evil.

Who is Jesus? He is your Friend, your Savior, your Comforter, your King, and you're Provider! He will not demand anything from you in exchange for his love. It's unconditional! All you have to do is believe in Him and accept His Grace and Mercy to cover all of your sins. Baptism and everything else just naturally follow. You don't have to do anything special to communicate with him. There are no prescribed prayers or rituals that you have to go through to talk with him. He is your access to God the Father 24/7. You will have his undivided attention at all times. No matter what you have to tell him, no matter how bad it might be, He will listen patiently to all that is in your heart and petition His Father on your behalf. He will comfort you in your time of need. He will give you peace in times of trial. He will fill your heart when you are sad. He will forgive anything that you have done. He will heal your spirit when you are troubled. He will love you unconditionally! So why Jesus? Because He is a friend who is willing to die for you so that you might live forever in a perfect Kingdom paradise. A friend who is willing to give you eternal life, just because he loves you. Someone who can heal a disease you have, and who will carry all your worries and your fears for you. So why Jesus? Because, He is the air that we breathe (life)

Henry Miranda was born in Houston, Texas.
Henry Miranda earned a Bachelor of Christian Ministry degree @ Christian Leadership University. Henry Miranda is an Evangelist, Bible teacher, author, guest speaker
With the help of the Holy Spirit Henry Miranda has written seven Christian books.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com-CHRISTIAN WRITERS

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