

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Genesis 2:8 Project

Brother and Sisters grace and peace to you.
While planning my garden for the spring of 2016, a calling from the Holy Spirit came to me to look at the Book of Genesis.  So I stopped what I was doing opened the WORD to the Book of Genesis and read the scripture starting in chapter one. Imagine my surprise when came to chapter two verse eight.

“And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed”. Gen 2:8 KJV
Ok Brother Greg what does this mean? That is exactly what I asked the LORD? What are you calling me to do? In order to get the context of the script I asked myself what is the theme of this book? Well I know that the theme is beginnings. Theme of chapter one is creation and the author of it is Moses. So what about chapter two? This chapter is what Elohim (God) did on the sixth day. In order to get the context of the verse I read the verse before and after verse eight.

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul”. Gen 2:7 KJV
“And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil”. Gen 2:9 KJV

So in chapter two “the sixth day” Elohim made man and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life giving man a soul. Then Elohim plants a garden, and puts man in the garden.  Out of the ground YHWH Elohim grows every tree that was pleasant in sight, and good for food. I further researched verse eight and for some reason I focused on the word planted. I looked the word up in the Strong’s Hebrew dictionary and found this.

From H3754; a planted field (garden, orchard, vineyard or park); by implication garden produce: - full (green) ears (of corn), fruitful field (place), plentiful (field).
 Was YHWH was telling me, to use my gardening to minister, to those that may have an interest in gardening but, may have never have heard the Gospel. I believe in Him and I believe He is calling me to do just that. So here’s how I have it figured so far unless He wants something different. Starting from seed to harvest the Good Day In YHWH Ministry will teach the WORD through this project. I know there are other organization out like 4-H and scouts which are great programs but, they are not focused on Christ Jesus and His Gospel. This would be a great family ministry, but the opportunities do not stop there.

From seed to harvest would mean:
Starting seeds
Tending to the crop
 That is how I have it so far, the spiritual learning is done at the same time or do bible study before. When harvesting comes you could do a farmers market giving out a tract with the produce. Well these are just ideas in Genesis 2:8 project infancy. Your comments are welcome either below or email us  Remember no matter what the weather is, it's always a Good Day In YHWH! I am Brother Greg  soldiering on for the Savior Christ Jesus! God Bless



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