

Monday, February 22, 2016



Praise GOD! Brothers and sisters, Ohio becomes the 9th state to defund Planned Parenthood after the pro-life Center for Medical Progress released a series of hidden-camera videos. They join, the ranks of eight other states—Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Texas, and Utah. By doing this they (9 states) have, put the nation’s largest abortion provider under the microscope for questionable and perhaps illegal practices. more
  Brothers and sisters the spiritual war is real, as real as the nose in the middle of your face. As Christians when we were saved, we entered this war. We joined the ranks of GOD’s Army the minute we asked Him, to be our LORD and Savior. Now is the time to stand up, as saints and soldiers of HIS Kingdom! There have been 50plus million casualties in the enemies' pro-death campaign alone. GOD is willing, are you willing to save a life?  God has shown what goes on behind the enemy lines. He has opened the hearts of these state political officials to do the righteous thing.  He tells us, in His living word that,
“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God”.
Joh 3:16-18 KJV
    GOD the Father sent GOD the Son, so we would not be condemned. GOD the Holy Spirit is our comforter and teacher. GOD is three distinct persons working equally as ONE GOD. Brother Greg what are, you trying to say? What I am saying saints and soldiers is that, yes Christ Jesus was sent, by the Father to save the world. However, it was equally decided before He came by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit the Triune GOD.GOD! sacrificed Himself so that we could be saved from condemnation. He, took what we deserve so that we would have eternal LIFE! We should be willing to do what we can do to save a life. How do we do that you say? Share this with everyone that you know. Minister to those around you about the saving grace of GOD. Stand and defend His HOLY Living WORD. Pray alone, in groups, and on social media.
Sign Our New Petition: 
No Supreme Court Nomination Until After the Election

More than 135 years of precedent stand firmly on the side of delaying a confirmation in an election year until after the next President takes office. You deserve a voice.
   The Supreme Court is a lifetime appointment - a lifetime for or against life, free speech, and religious liberty. Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow of American Center for Law and Justice has been arguing cases at the Supreme Court for more than 25 years. Now, every case is at stake. The Constitution is at stake.
 President Obama's partisan political allies already claim 500,000 people support their false narrative. We need your voice now to fight back.There should be no confirmation of the next Supreme Court nominee until after the election. It's the most important challenge we face. The ACLJ needs every one of us to sign their petition.
If you have any questions or, comments (good or bad) send them to gdiyhwh@gmail.com or comment below. Remember, no matter what the season or the storm it's always a good day in YHWH!



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